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Mucocutaneous A duct opening into the lumen of a hollow viscus tends to …… as it traverses the wall
Visceral somatic Sphincters are often located near an …… orifice
Viscus The underlying connective tissue of the lamina propria in viscera is highly ……
Endocrine Non-midline unpaired viscera have an arterial supply from unpaired branches of the …… and venous drainage
Sphincter Inter nervous lines for …… particularly occur where mucosa overlies skeletal muscle
Reflexes Pain from an unpaired viscus is felt over the …… of the body
Impressions There tends to be no arterial anastomosis across vascular segments although there maybe some …… communication
Somatic visceral Arterial anastomoses, venous communications, watershed areas of lymph drainage and inter-nervous lines (of sensory nerve supply) occur at …… junctions
Epithelial Normal constrictions of the lumen tend to occur at the beginning and end of a tubular ……
Unilateral same …… glands have a very rich blood supply
Aorta Structures directly related to an organ tend to produce …… on it
Both The direction of the …… is at right angles to the direction of apposition of the walls of the tubular viscus (or duct) immediately proximal to it.
Visceral skeletal …… junctions tend to be located where territories of different developmental origin meet
Transmucosal The …… lining of viscera is avascular
Narrow The body wall and the layer of serous membrane lining it are supplied by …… while the gut and the layer of serous membrane around it is supplied by …… nerves
External Midline unpaired viscera receive neurovascular supply from …… side(s)
Vascular …… nerves supply smooth muscle and glands while …… nerves supply skeletal muscle
Midline …… nerves supply smooth muscles sphincters while …… nerves supply skeletal muscle sphincters
Bilateral A paired viscus receives a …… neurovascular supply and refers pain to the …… side
Venous Unpaired viscera receive a …… nerve supply

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