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Urinary System


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Pyramids urine is transported out of the kidneys through the _____________
Renin Blood travels to each kidney through the ___________
Vesicoureteralreflux infection of a part of or throughout the urinary tract, usually caused by bacteria.
Bladder ___________ kidney, where the two kidneys are fused
Renalvein pigmented blood product that gives urine its yellowish color.
Urinarytractinfection located near the hilus, collects the urine flowing from the calyxes.
Nephritis By regulating salt levels through production of an enzyme called ___________ (as well as other substances), the kidneys ensure that blood pressure is regulated.
Cortex involves using a machine or other artificial device to remove the excess salts and water and other wastes from the body when the kidneys are unable to perform this function
Glomerulus urine is ejected from the bladder and out of the body through the ______________
Horseshoe The outer part of the kidney
Tubule tubes that carry the urine out of each kidney to be stored in the urinary ___________ — a muscular collection sac in the lower abdomen.
Medulla result from the buildup of crystallized salts and minerals such as calcium in the urinary tract.
Erythropoietin The center part of the kidney
Renalpelvis Filtered blood leaves the kidney through the __________ and flows back to the heart.
Sphincter The kidneys secrete a hormone called ____________
Kidneystones medulla has 10 to 15 fan-shaped structures called __________
Dialysis Each of the nephrons contains a filter called the ____________
Urea fluid filtered from the blood by the glomerulus then travels down a tiny tube-like structure called a ____________
Urethra inflammation of the kidney.
Renalartery condition in which urine abnormally flows backward (or refluxes) from the bladder into the ureters.
Ureters ring-like muscle that guards the exit from the bladder to the urethra
Urochrome a waste product that forms when proteins are broken down. Salts, amino acids, byproducts of bile from the liver, ammonia, and any substances that cannot be reabsorbed into the blood.

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