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Skin, Hair


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erectorpili The root ends in the _____________
Cellulitis soft thickened bulb at the base of the hair embedded in the skin.
dermatitis The hair bulb sits in a sac-like pit in the skin called the ________, from which the hair grows.
follicle __________ dermatitis occurs when the skin comes into contact with an irritating substance or a substance that a person is allergic to.
ringworm The bottom layer of our skin
skin fungus infection that can affect the skin, nails, or scalp.
Lentigo Muscles in the skin called _______________ contract to make the hairs on our skin stand up straight when we are cold or frightened
Parasiticinfestations produce melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color.
matrix form of skin cancer
Langerhans The upper layer of our skin
dermis which surrounds the medulla and is the main part of the hair (Layer of hair)
medulla produce an oil called ________ that lubricates the skin and hair.
sebum growths on the skin that are usually brown or black.
Seborrheic single most common skin condition in teens.
hairbulb type of ringworm, is a fungal infection that forms a scaly, ring-like lesion in the scalp.
Melanocytes The skin below the nail is called the ____________
Skin Tag Below the epidermis is the next layer of our skin
Impetigo _________ dermatitis is an oily rash on the scalp, face, chest, and back, is related to an overproduction of sebum from the sebaceous glands.
Keratinocytes strong and hard to stretch fibers in the dermis
Acne small flap of tissue that hangs off the skin by a connecting stalk.
Collagen larger part of the nail
Freckles __________ cells help protect the body against infection.
Warts ___________ dermatitis is a warm, moist environment, such as that found in the folds of the skin in the diaper area of infants, is perfect for growth of the yeast ___________.
eczema whitish crescent-shaped area at the base of the nail is called the ________
root hard protein called keratin in a process called _____________
papilla any inflammation that might be associated with swelling, itching, and redness of the skin.
cortex bacterial infection that results in a honey-colored, crusty rash, often on the face near the mouth and nose.
elastin hard outer layer that protects the shaft .(Layer of hair)
melanoma tiny skin infections caused by viruses of the human papilloma virus (HPV) family.
keratinization infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that typically occurs when bacteria are introduced through a puncture, bite, or other break in the skin.
subcutaneoustissue At the bottom of the follicle is the ________________, where hair growth actually takes place.
apocrine at the center, which is soft (Layer of hair)
cuticle spot on the skin that is darker (usually brown) than the surrounding skin
epidermis _________ glands are found everywhere in our bodies, although they are mostly in the forehead, palms, and soles of the feet.
Candidal Parasites can feed on or burrow into the skin, often resulting in an itchy rash.
nail plate _________ glands develop at puberty and are concentrated in the armpits and pubic region.
lunula It's a common, hereditary dermatitis that causes an itchy rash primarily on the face, trunk, arms, and legs.
Tineacapitis area of hair loss.
Contact small brown spots usually found on the face and arms. ____________ are extremely common and are not a health threat.
Alopecia our largest organ
athletesfoot infection of the feet is caused by the same types of fungi that cause ringworm.
Moles produce keratin, a type of protein that is a basic component of hair and nails.
eccrine elastic fibers in the dermis

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