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Final Project - Sexuality and Sexual Health

Zachary Alexander

A crossword puzzle containing the core concepts of sexuality and sexual health.

GENITALHERPES Causes flu-like symptoms including coughing, sneezing
SEMEN A passage for semen
OVARY Contains the developing fetus
GONORRHEA To not have sex
URETHRA A STD caused by a virus that can cause painful, highly infectious sores on or around the sex organs
CONTRACEPTION A STD that causes painful urination and pain around the urethra
EGG This virus causes AIDs
FALLOPIANTUBES The site of sperm production
PREGNANCY A STD that causes an inflammation of the liver
ABSTINENCE Also known as Birth Control
PENIS The lower part of the female reproductive tract
VAGINA The period from conception to birth
HIV Contains the testes
HPV The shedding of the uterine lining
SPERMATOGENESIS Where sperm and egg meet in normal conception
FERTILIZATION Contains a woman's eggs
HEPATITIS contains the male gamete
UTERUS The union of a sperm and egg
CONCEPTION A STD that can cause damage to the nervous system, heart, or brain and ultimately death.
CONDOM The female gamete
TESTICLES The physical union of sperm and egg
MENSTRUATION A latex sheath that goes over the erect penis
SYPHILLIS The process of sperm production in the testes
SCROTUM A STD that can cause cervical cancer in women
CHLAMYDIA The male reproductive organ

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