GENITALHERPES | | Causes flu-like symptoms including coughing, sneezing |
SEMEN | | A passage for semen |
OVARY | | Contains the developing fetus |
GONORRHEA | | To not have sex |
URETHRA | | A STD caused by a virus that can cause painful, highly infectious sores on or around the sex organs |
CONTRACEPTION | | A STD that causes painful urination and pain around the urethra |
EGG | | This virus causes AIDs |
FALLOPIANTUBES | | The site of sperm production |
PREGNANCY | | A STD that causes an inflammation of the liver |
ABSTINENCE | | Also known as Birth Control |
PENIS | | The lower part of the female reproductive tract |
VAGINA | | The period from conception to birth |
HIV | | Contains the testes |
HPV | | The shedding of the uterine lining |
SPERMATOGENESIS | | Where sperm and egg meet in normal conception |
FERTILIZATION | | Contains a woman's eggs |
HEPATITIS | | contains the male gamete |
UTERUS | | The union of a sperm and egg |
CONCEPTION | | A STD that can cause damage to the nervous system, heart, or brain and ultimately death. |
CONDOM | | The female gamete |
TESTICLES | | The physical union of sperm and egg |
MENSTRUATION | | A latex sheath that goes over the erect penis |
SYPHILLIS | | The process of sperm production in the testes |
SCROTUM | | A STD that can cause cervical cancer in women |
CHLAMYDIA | | The male reproductive organ |