DeepPeroneal | | Which nerve innervates the 1st dorsal webspace? (4,8) |
Afferent | | This nerve originates from sciatic nerve decends through the popliteal fossa before winding round the lateral neck of fibula (6, 8) |
Femoral | | Nerve arising from the posterior dividions of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th lumbar plexus (7) |
SuralNerve | | Nerve entering the leg deep to the hamstrings (7) |
Sciatic | | Branch of the common peroneal nerve that innervates the 2nd, 3rd and 4th dorsal webspaces (11, 8) |
MedialCalcaneal | | What test/sign would we look for to determine superior gluteal dysfunction? (13) |
Femoral | | Which nerve gives rise to the common peroneal and tibial nerves? (7) |
CommonPeroneal | | Branch of the tibial nerve, arises deep to the flexor retinaculum feeds the proximal plantar area of the foot (6,9) |
Sural | | The Quadraceps are innervated by this nerve (7) |
Obturator | | Which nerve innervates Adductor Longus? (9) |
SuperiorGluteal | | A patient cannot dorsiflex their foot against your hand.Which nerve is likely to be affected? (4, 8) |
medialplantar | | Which nerve innervates the first 3.5 nail beds? (6, 7) |
Sciatic | | Sural and Saphenous nerves can be described as what type of nerves? (8) |
Saphenous | | Gluteus minimus and medius are innervated by which nerve? (8,7) |
SuperficialPeroneal | | Inferior Gluteal nerve innervates this muscle (7, 7) |
Tibial | | Which nerve innervates half of the 4th and all of the 5th nail bed? (7, 7) |
LateralPlantar | | What innervates the lateral longitudinal arch (5, 5) |
GluteusMaximus | | Which nerve is a sensory branch of the tibial nerve? (5) |
DeepPeroneal | | Which nerve arises the sciatic nerve and innervates the posterior calf muscles? (6) |
Trendelenberg | | Which sensory nerve innervates the medial longitudinal arch? (9) |