gluteus minimus | | iliac crest and connective tissue in lumbar region of the spine |
biceps femoris | | second and third metacarples of the palm |
masseter | | posterior and lateral aspect of the femur |
coracobrachialis | | iliac crest, sacrum, and coccyx |
supinater | | body and ramus of pubis portion of the pelvis |
levator scapula | | around eyes |
teres minor | | lateral ilium of the pelvis |
quadratus lumborum | | temple to lower jaw bone |
pronater quadratus | | anterior iliac spine |
orbicularis oris | | corner of mouth over to the cheek |
vastus medialis | | lower border of each rib |
internal obliques | | lateral aspects of the lower eight ribs |
tensor fasciae latae | | ilium of the pelvis |
extensor carpi ulnaris | | lower aspect of the 12th rib |
adductor brevis | | lateral epicondyle of the humerus and ulna |
rectus abdonimus | | iliac crest and ilium of the pelvis |
peroneus | | upper border of the rib above |
external intercostals | | linea aspera of the femur |
pectoralis minor | | pubic crest and symphysis of pelvis |
infraspinatus | | insertion is the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus |
adductor magnus | | posterior scapula (infraspinous fossa) |
anconeus | | both heads unite and insert at the radial tuberosity |
orbicularis oculi | | posterior scapula (supraspinous fossa) |
rectus femoris | | anterior part of the distal shaft of the humerus |
trapezius | | distal shaft of the ulna on the anterior side |
semimembranosus | | forehead (frontal bone) |
soleus | | a muscular dome shaped muscle |
flexor carpi radialis | | pelvis near the symphysis pubis |
external obliques | | anterior and lateral shaft or the femur |
semitendinosus | | anterior and superior border of ribs 1-9 |
transverse abdonimus | | base of skull |
vastus intermedialis | | inserts into the 5th metacarpal |
extensor carpi radialis | | fibula and lateral condyle of the tibia |
gastrocnemius | | medial border of the scapula above the spine |
pronater teres | | extends the thigh/flexes the knee |
tibialis anterior | | subscapular fossa |
gluteus meius | | pubis and ilium of the pelvis |
adductor longus | | coracoid process of the scapula |
brachialis | | lateral epicondyle of the humerus |
diaphragm | | corner of the lower jaw |
deltoid | | lateral border of the scapula |
subscapularis | | inserts by way of the achilies tendon into the heel |
buccinater | | linea alba and pubic crest |
biceps brachii | | across checks |
serratus anterior | | in a spiral fashion insert into the intertubercular groove of the humerus |
vastus lateralis | | spinous processes of the 7th cervical vetebrae |
triceps brachii | | pubis portion of the pelvis |
supraspinatus | | lateral shaft of the radius about half way down the bone |
frontalis | | ischial tuberosity |
sternocleidomastoid | | lateral condyle and upper 2/3 of the tibial shaft |
gracilis | | origin is the sternum |
latissimus dorsi | | posterior surface of the scapula |
zygomaticus | | styloid process of the radius |
temporalis | | inserts into the 2nd metacarpal |
teres major | | anterior surface of the ribs 3-5 |
rhomboids | | around lips |
gluteus maximus | | head and shaft of the fibula and shaft of tibia |
internal intercostals | | all three heads unite and insert at the olecranon process of the ulna |
pectoralis major | | found on each side of the neck |
brachioradialis | | medial aspect of the upper tibial shaft |