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The Liver

Brandis Danielson

This puzzle will help you to review the lecture material as well as ensure correct spelling of terms. Remember...spelling counts on exams!

bilirubin Source of deoxygenated blood to the liver
two Yellow-green, alkaline solution synthesized and secreted by hepatocytes
Proteinmetabolism The free edge of the falciform ligament
cysticduct Product that emulsifies fats
kupffercells Hepatocytes are arranged around this
righthypochondriacregion One function of the liver, helps to maintain blood glucose
portaltriad Largest gland, second largest organ
bileduct Thin-walled green muscular sac located in a fossa of the liver
bilesalts Source of oxygenated blood to the liver
centralvein Number of Principle lobes of the liver
Carbohydratemetabolism One function of the liver is to process _____ and hormones
roundligament One function of the liver, breaks down fatty acids to generate ATP
lobule These destroy old white and red blood cells in the sinusoids
bilecanaliculi Body region the liver mostly occupies
commonhepaticduct Right and left hepatic ducts join to form this
drugs Drains the gallbladder
vitaminD A waste product of the heme of hemoglobin
glycogen Located at lobule corners, contains yellow-green fluid
Lipidmetabolism Hexogonal structure of hepatocytes
bile In the lobules, blood flows through these
gallbladder One function of the liver, deaminates amino acids for use in ATP production
falciformligament Hepatocytes secrete yellow-green fluid into these intracellular canals
hepaticportalvein The liver plays a role in synthesizing the active form of this vitamin
hepaticartery Lies between the lobes and helps suspend the liver
sinusoids Located at the corners of the lobule
liver The liver stores this complex sugar

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