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Integumentary System

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stratumbasale the proper name for your cuticle
lunule muscle that gives you goose bumps
ceruminous formed because the boundary between the epidermis and dermis are uneven
hemoglobin part of the nail taht extends past the edge of your finger
corns decline in this will cause gray hair
papillary Cell type that function in the sensation of touch
bulb type of gland that secretes sweat onto the skin for cooling
root percent of people in the world that have natural red hair
albinism found at the base of the hair follicle where blood vessels are found
seconddegree glands found in the armpit and groin area, become active at puberty
melanin another name for a sweat gland
carotene burn that forms blisters and damages the epidermis and dermis
reticular oxygen-carrying pigment in the red blood cells
hypodermis skin layer that marks the transition between metabolically active deep strata and the superficial dead strata
eponychium Fibrous protein that protects and waterproofs the skin
Melanocytes the skin underneath your nail is called the nail _____
Sratumludcidum disease where people have melanocytes but can not produce melanin
sratumspinosum pigment that affects how dark skin will be
freeedge second deepest, thicker layer of the skin
Keratin glands that secrete earwax
bed region of the dermis where hair follicles, nerves, and glands are found
dermis if you get this kind of burn your skin will turn black, red, or white and you may need a skin graft
Stratumcorneum later of the skin that have spine like projections to hold the cells tightly together
suderiferous yellow-orange pigment
sebaceous what the blood vessels do when your body gets too cold
two deepest layer of the skin
fingerprints region of the dermis where the surface area is increased due to projections called dermal papillae
freckles found below the dermis, attaches the skin to underlying organs and tissues
thirddegree this is caused when melanin accumulates in patches
shaft Cell type that absorbs UV radiation from sunlight to prevent mutations
sratumgranulosum type of burn you get when you have a sunburn
Merkel what your blood vessels do when your body gets too hot
tyrosinase most superficial layer of the skin
eccrine portion of the hair taht projects from the skin surface
firstdegree layer that is only present in thick skin
dilate portion of the hair that is deep to the shaft and penetrates the dermis
arectorpili the white cresent shaped area at the base of the nail
constrict keratinized conical masses that form on the toes
apocrine type of gland that produces oil

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