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Human Sexual Reproductive Anatomy

Mr. Sonne

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Uterus The chamber that holds urine
Endometrium Where the egg is brought to maturity each month. Also produces estrogen and progesterone.
Cervix The tubes through which urine travels from the kidneys to the bladder
ProstateGland Skin covering the head of the penis that is removed during circumcision
Scrotum The tubes through which the egg travels to the uterus. Also where fertilization takes place.
Clitoris Part of the female vulva that serves the purpose of sexual satisfaction.
Foreskin A thin membrane that covers the opening of the vagina. It may be broken during sporting activities, accidents, or first sexual intercourse.
Epididymis Gland which produces the bulk of semen to ensure survival of sperm
FallopianTubes The wall of the uterus. This tissue is shed during menstruation.
Ureters Spongy muscle that fills with blood to make penis erect
Hymen The sac that holds the testes and keeps them below body temperature for sperm production
VasDeferens The finger like projections that sweep the egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube
Ovary Tube through which sperm travel from the epididymis to the urethra
SeminalVesicles Folds of skin on the vulva that protect the vagina and keep it moist.
Testes Tissues where sperm are produced. Also produces testosterone.
Vagina Gland which produces semen to lubricate and neutralize urethra
Urethra The tube that allows urine and ejaculate (in men) to exit from the body
Labia The womb or place where the fetus develops over the course of 9 months
CowpersGland The birth canal or place where intercourse takes place
Fimbria Pouches found behind the bladder that produce semen with fructose to give sperm energy
ErectileTissue Chamber on top of testes that stores sperm
Bladder The neck of the uterus that must dilate to allow a fetus to pass into the vagina

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