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Female Repro system cpt 17


medical terminology

slough after birth, referring to the mother
cystocele inflammation of the neck of the uterus
fimbrae beginning of the regular menstrual cycle, usually occuring at around 13 years of age
ovoid hernia of the bladder against the vaginal wall
parturition stimulates development of secondary female characteristics
zygote fertilized ovum from conception to second week of gestation
progesterone suturing the vulva
menopause fluid secreted from the mammary glad containing antibodies
polythelia difficult labor
dystocia to shed
embryo discharge of milk from the breast after breast feeding has stopped
pseudocyesis excision of the breast
hyperemesis gravidarum surgical puncture to remove fluid from the cul-de-sac of Douglas
estrogen birth process
lactiferous sinuses pregnancy occurring in a place other than the uterus
salpingo oophorectomy entrance to the vagina
mammary specialist in the study of diseases and treatment of the female genital tract
introitus accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube
cervicitis secrete lubricant for intercourse
episiorrhaphy pertaining to the breast
rectouterine superior rounded portion of the uterus
endometriosis more than one nipple present on the breast
fundus endometrial tissue found at sites other than the uterus
galactorrhea stimulates the growth of blood vessels in the uterus
Bartholins glands name given to a developoing human between the second and eighth week of gestation
culdocentesis fingerlike projections at the distal ends of the fallopian tubes
ectopic pregnancy surgical removal of the uterus
vaginomycosis false pregnancy
placenta pertaining to the rectum and uterus
retroflexion resembling an egg shape
colostrum fungal infection of the vagina
postpartum excessive vomiting during pregnancy
gynecologist bending back of an organ
menarche store milk produced by mammary glands
hysterectomy stoppage of menstruation, usually at about 45-50 years of age
pyosalpinx provides fetus with nourishment
mastectomy excision of the fallopian tubes and ovaries

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