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Cardiovascular System


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Interatrialseptum wall called the ______________ divides the ventricles.
Arrhythmia ______________ circulation sends blood from the heart to all the other parts of our bodies and back again.
Adventitia _________ valve separates the right ventricle from the pulmonary artery leading to the lungs
Systemic ________ valve separates the left ventricle from the aorta, the body's largest blood vessel.
Capillaries wall called the _____________ divides the atria
Sinoatrial arteries branch out into _____________
Endothelium Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart are called ________________
Heartmurmur problems in the heart's rhythm.
Systole sending blood into the pulmonary and systemic circulation.
Mitral Blood vessels carrying blood away from the heart are called __________
Veins connects the arteries and veins.
Interventricularseptum person has blood pressure that's significantly lower than normal.
Alveoli __________ valve separates the left atrium and the left ventricle.
Diastole The two largest veins are the superior and inferior ___________
Ventricles right and left _________ pump blood out of the heart.
Hypertension most common heart disorder in adults
Aortic Two __________arteries branch off at the beginning of the aorta and divide into a network of smaller arteries that provide oxygen and nourishment to the muscles of the heart.
Cardiomyopathy The upper part of the heart is made up of the other two chambers of the heart, called the right and left __________
Coronaryarterydisease tough covering that protects the outside of the artery.
Coronary person has blood pressure that's significantly higher than normal.
Arteries __________ valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle
Venacavae small area of tissue in the wall of the right atrium, sends out an electrical signal to start the contracting of the heart muscle.
Pulmonary abnormal sound (like a blowing or whooshing sound) that's heard when listening to the heart.
Arterioles long-lasting disease that causes the heart muscle (the myocardium) to become weakened.
Pulmonic fill with blood from the atria, which makes up the second phase of the cardiac cycle.
Media ______________ circulation is a short loop from the heart to the lungs and back again
Tricuspid Blood flows more slowly through these tiny vessels, allowing time for gases to be exchanged between the capillary walls and the millions of _____________, the tiny air sacs in the lung.
Hypotension on the inside and provides a smooth lining for blood to flow over as it moves through the artery.
Atria middle part of the artery, made up of a layer of muscle and elastic tissue.

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