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Brave New World

By: Heather, Steph, Becca and Kelsey

Environmentalism- Many people believe the world is on a crash course to environmental disaster. Do you believe this to be true and how does this tie in with the Brave New World? Hint: use your book for the answers!

happiness The Controller was faced with the choice of being sent to an........ before being a controller
feelies women at the reservation ........ Linda
soma even when people of the Brave New World are dead they are used to make
sacrificed the indians were .............. as clothes
helicopters a love of nature keeps no.......... busy
factories in the Brave New World the main form of transportation is
Mending Ending is better than
teeth Lenina takes ....... to make herself feel better at the reservation
Fat John wished he could have been .......... at the reservation
Iceland children are conditioned in the hatcheries to hate
chastity Bernard is being sent to
civilization John believes that ................made him "ill"
animals a place in our world that is becoming like the Brave New World
Tomakin The Controller believes......... means instability
high-tension wire fence When Linda returns to the Brave New World she is
island savage reservation is surrounded by
Dubai The Controller believes that universal......... "keeps the wheels steadily turning"
flowers Lenina takes John to the
whip The Resident World Controller for Western Europe's name
plants Linda's two front ......... are missing
Mustapha Mond Linda used to call the director

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