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Ergonomic Crossword Puzzle


1 2 3 4 5   6  
7       8                         9
  15     16  
      17               18        
20             21              
  23   24              
      25         26

5.Lift with your _____, not your back
5.When unloading a load, lower the load slowly using your ----, not your back
7.Ergonomic committee meetings are help once per ____
8.Working in cold ____ will take longer for the body to warm up; and increase the level of stress on the body
10.When carrying a loadyou should hold the load ___, keep load balanced and avioid twisting your body.
11.Heat accelerates muscle fatigue and ___ risk of dehydration
12.Always wear your _____ protection properly
13.There is a job _____ completed for each job
14.When carrying a load you should face the direction you will be _____
17.Cold causes muscles to contract and ____ effective blood flow
18.Make sure your knife is always _____
20.Improper ______ will put your back at risk
21._______ - skeletal disorder
22.When lifting a heavy load you should get _____.
23.Techniques usesd to reduce MSD risk factors include workstation design, task methods, job design and _____
25.Ensure you're at the correct ____ to do your job
27.If you notice ___, tingling, pain or numbness while doing your job you should report these symptoms promptly
30.Two types of posture to ____ are extreme or static postures
31.Force is muscles in the ____ that are responsible for producing force
32.Under normal conditions, muscles are capable of producing enough ____ for motion
1.The supervisor and ____ department work together to ensure the employee is following medical treatment to get well.
2.Three risk factors of a Muscular Skeletal Disorder are force, posture and _____
3.Movement done over and over is ______
4.Comfort ____ are conducted each year by the ergonomic specialist, ergonomic committee members and the trainers
6.Staying in ___ shape and not being overweight are keys to preventing back injuries
9.When lifting a load you should stand close to the load and ____ your knees
10.Three types of hazard ____ are engineering, work practice and adminsitrative
13.How often is your hearing tested at the plant?
15.Risk factors checked during ajob analysis include force, ____ and temperature.
16.Micro-breaks give your hands a rest from ______
19.When training employees it is important to allow for gradual break-in to ____ MSD symptoms.
22.Vibrating tools require a ____ level of force for control
24.Ergonomic training should be done on ___ affected employees.
26.Your back has ____ natural curves
27.Each year the plant completes a comfort ______
28.Don't bend your ___ - maintain its natural curves
29.Personal ____ risk factors include poor diet, age, poor physical condition and diabetes

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