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Who Said it on Enterprise

By Scoobydog

Name the character that said the quote on Star Trek Enterprise

1 2 3 4
9         10       11          
12         13      

5."It's a shame......all that water"
8."should I take her to warp sir"
9."when in Rome"
12."my mother has top security clearance"
14."what floor is the Captain's Quarters on"
15."I will only be 66 on my next birthday"
1."she does have a really nice bum"
2."the sexual tension is obviously due to T'Pol"
3."I'm looking for rare Archerite ore"
4."do we really need these people"
6."you're not my commanding officer now"
7."I'll let you two get acquainted"
10."security codes are just numbers"
11."I don't want to see you get hurt Captain"
13."I trust you did everything to save that Vulcan ship"

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