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Doctor Who Monsters and Main Characters (Series One)

  3 4      
5           6        
9   10                
11         12          

3.American time-agent and is a kind-of companion
5.The 'thing' on the ceiling of "The Long Game" (9)
8.The green monsters in human skin (8)
10.The Main character and the owner of the TARDIS - two words (9)
11.The Victorian zombie's spirits - I think (5)
12.The scariest Doctor Who monster created (6)
1.Christmas Special - positive A's were stolen by this monster (7)
2.Bat kind of creatures which had an eye on Rose (7)
4.The killer shop dummy (6)
6."Are you my Mummy?" says this monster - two words (10)
7.Weakest Link host is a robot!! *gasp* (8)
8.The blue person (7)
9.The Doctor's blond-haired companion

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