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GOLF Terms

by a golfer's Mom

terminology every golfer probably knows (and perhaps a lot of non-golfers too)

1 2 3
4   5           6   7    
8           9         10 11  
12           13 14            
    15           16        
17                       18
    19     20    
  21                     22 23    
        24                   25
  28       29        
  32 33  
34               35           36
41       42         43        
  44   45                    

5.a golfer's nightmare: he/she keeps mishooting the ball over and over
6.direction in which the grass is growing on the green
8.fairway that goes straight then takes a turn to the right or left
9.one under par on a hole
14.playing it safe, hitting to the safe part of the hole (2 wds)
15.another name for a sand bunker
16.professional golf organization from groundskeeper's viewpoint
17.another name for the grass on the perimeter of the green (2 wds)
20.hole in one
21.accidental H20 on the course, for ex., rain puddles (2 wds)
24.ponds, lakes, rivers (2 wds)
26.another word for miniature golf
27.3-wager game: 1st nine, last nine + all 18 holes
28.can't stop twitching while putting? You have this.
29.number of strokes a player takes in his/her round
30.short shot close to the ground
31.piece of dirt lifted in the air by your shot
34.refreshing last stop of the game (2 wds)
38.a 2nd ball is hit in case the first can't be played (2 wds)
39.if your ball is surrounded by brush and trees, you "are"here (2wds)
42.can't see the green while hitting (2 wds)
44.three strokes under par
46.scoring 8 on one hole (2 wds)
47.your ball hits a tree and bounces back onto the fairway
1.ball hit high and hard
2.player with too much wrist movement in his/her putts
3.golf association
4.comedy golf classic starring Bill Murray and some furry critters
7.grass on the perimeter on the green, separating it from fairway
9.comic great; known for his love otf the sport
10.2 under par on a hole
11.a slice that curves in the shape of a certain tropical fruit (2 wds)
12.prepare to hit the ball
13.swinging at the ball and missing it
18.the putter if used from off the green (2 wds)
19.Adam Sandler comedy where he takes a swing at Bob Barker (2 wds)
22.golfer's body position when hitting the ball
23.hometown of the World Golf Hall of Fame (3 wds)
25.very sharp hook that barely gets air borne (2 wds)
32.dreamy star of that sexy romantic golf comedy (2 wds)
33.2 over par on a hole (2 wds)
35.funny, sexy and romantic golf movie of the 1990s (2 wds)
36.severe hook resembling the crustacean it is named for
37.sand or grass hazard
40.ball hit low to the ground
41.4 under par
43.where the clubhead meets the shaft of an iron
45.one over par

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