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Girls Soccer


4     5     6  
  9         10   11 12
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21                   22
    23 24     25
26           27                
28   29   30      
  31 32            
    33                       34 35   36      
38                             39  
40                         41            

2.Foreign name for soccer
3.To fall down deliberately with the intention of fooling the referee into giving a foul
4.Name for a soccer game
7.When ball hits players hand or arm
8.An infraction of the rules by a player or a team official
9.First Name of Head Coach
14.An action taken when a player sends the ball out of bounds over the sideline, or touch line
15.The side of the field without the ball
16.Telling your teammates to leave no one unmarked
17.Players positioned in front of the goalkeeper whose primary duty is to stop the opposition from getting shots and scoring
18.The official who administers the game and awards fouls
19.A deadball situation such as a free kick, corner kick, throw-in, or goal kick
21.The furthest goalpost from the ball
26.Pass or kick the ball across
27.Keeping a ball in the air with any parts of the body beside the arms and hands
33.Blocking an opponent with her body
35.When a player shoots or passes the ball by hitting it with her head
37.First Annual Tournament for Girls in Aliso
38.Two people are guarding the same person
40.A popular term for an overtime or sudden-death goal
41.When a player yells or even swears at the referee and gets a yellow card as a result
42.A kick that makes the ball bend or swerve in the air instead of going straight
1.When player is ahead of last defender before the ball is struck
3.To let the ball go past or through your legs to a teammate
5.Another name for soccer shoes
6.The interval between halves
8.The players whose chief job is to score goals or create goal-scoring opportunities with passes to teammates
10.Hitting a low, hard shot on goal
11.A free kick used to start the game, half, overtime or play after a goal
12.A shot lofted over the heads of opponents
13.Three goals in a game by a player
17.To take the ball away from a dribbler
20.A player who is on the right or left flanks of the field, either as a forward or midfielder
22.When a goalkeeper kicks the ball high down field toward the opposing goal
23.The physically demanding position that provides a bridge between the defense and offense
24.Another name for a defender who plays on the left or right side
25.To put the ball between an opponent's leg
28.Goal conceded by own player
29.Nickname of Varsity Assistant Coach
30.The official who runs up and down the sidelines
31.The way a player controls the ball with her feet while on the move
32.Kick by the attacking team from the corner
34.The on-field player considered an extension of the coach and a team leader
36.The pass which leads to a goal
39.Another name for goalie
40.When the ball completely crosses the goal line under the goal posts

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