Down |
1. | 41. Revised or watered down |
2. | 43. The Son of God who came down to earth to die for humanity’s sins |
3. | 8. The soul gains merits or demerits according to how one lives his life |
4. | 47. The Ten ___ are basic laws that set standards of wrongdoing |
5. | Town where Siddhartha Gautama was born |
7. | The enlightend one |
8. | 33. Pilgrimage to Mecca that must be performed at leas once in a Muslim’s lifetime |
13. | 28. Birthplace of Mohammed |
16. | 25. A blending of Mahayana Buddhism with the ancient occult practices of Tibet |
18. | 10. Spiritual Path of Salvation, one of Buddha’s most important Teachings |
19. | 13. The cure for suffering is to overcome ___ and eliminate cravings |
21. | The writings Siddhartha first studied |
23. | 14. Suppress craving by following the Noble ___ path |
25. | 39. Proud independent rebellion against God in active or passive form |
28. | The order of monks that Buddha founded |
29. | 23. Doctrine of a Lesser Way |
30. | 48. Common creed accepted by all Biblical Christianity |
32. | 34. Means that the Christian believer searches seriously and carefully for the meaning of the bible on its own terms |
34. | Buddha rejected the _____ priesthood |
35. | 17. Right S__ |
38. | 18. Right B__ |
40. | 32. Highest of Muslim holy seasons, ninth month of the Islamic lunar year |
41. | 37. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit |
43. | 38. “The ___ is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Jer. 17:9 |
44. | 29. Sacred scripture of Islam |
48. | 49. The omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient creator of all |