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Muhammad and the spread of Islam

M. Hafer

This crossword puzzle concerns the formation of Islam as well as its spread throughout Eurasia and Africa

1 2
4 5      
    6     7        
10     11        
12   13            
    15       16              

3.These wars were reactions to the Muslim conquest of much of Africa, Asia and Europe.
6.Thought the leaders of Islam MUST be descended from Muhammad.
8.Muslims do NOT worship this man but see him as Allah's greatest prophet.
11.This is the city where Muhammad was born.
12.A month of fasting.
14.According to Islam, Jesus was this sort of person.
15.The fictional princess who narrate THE ARABIAN NIGHTS.
17.The pilgrimage that all able-bodied Muslim men are to make once during their lifetime.
18.Muslims are required to do this 5 times every day.
1.This group killed most of the family of Muhammad and is hated by Shiites to this day because of this.
2.Famous Muslim warrior who fought against Richard the Lionhearted.
3.This great city fell to the Turks in 1453.
4.Another name for the Turks.
5.The Declaration of ___________ says "there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet".
7.Pope Urban II offered these rewards to Christians who fought in holy wars against Muslims.
9.According to tradition, this angel brought revelations to Muhammad.
10.The language of the Qur'an and in mosques.
13.Africans who invaded Spain and Portugal.
16.The journey from the city of his birth to Medina is designated the year 1 among Muslims.

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