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Grayson's Term Sheet Crossword


1 2       3              
4                     5              
  6   7                    
  8     9  
11           12     13
          18   19          
        21         22              
23                       24                

2.highly developed culture, usually with organized religion and laws
4.process by which knowledge and skills spread from one area to another
7.scientist who studies population
15.country that is industrialized rather than agricultural
16.metals and other minerals that cannot be replaced once they are used up
19.lack of food, affecting a large number of people
20.anything from the natural environment that people use to meet their needs
21.percentage of adults in a society who can read and write
23.economic system in which goverment sets economic goals and may own some businesses
24.chemical used to kill insects and other pests
25.country in the process of becoming industrialized
26.person who has had to flee to another country for safety from disaster or danger
27.resource that is placed naturally or can be grown quickly
28.to move from one's native country to another country
29.business that provides services to people rather than producing goods
1.farm that produces only enough to support a family's needs
3.group of languages that comes from a common ancestor
5.group of nonrenewable mineral resources-coal, oil, natural gas- formed in the eath's crust from plant and animal remains
6.number of deaths each year for every 1,000 people
8.power produced by the heat of the sun
9.measure of quality of life based on income and material possessions
10.basis of a market economy in which people start and run businesses to make a profit with little government intervention
11.electric power generated by falling water
12.putting impure or poisonous substances into land, water, or air
13.number of children born each year for every 1,000 people
14.way of life
17.average number of people living in a square mile or square kilometer
18.tendency of a country's people to move from rural areas to cities
22.precipitation in which water carries large amounts of chemicals, especially sulfuric acid

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