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Greek Philosophers

The Calculus Dragon

Test your knowledge of the Ancient Greeks and their ideas!

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13   14           15 16  
20 21                   22        
  24                   25                
27                 28
  29   30                    
31 32               33      
  35 36     37            

3.Simile for the Material World
7.Socrates subscribed to this school of thought
9.Greatest president of the 20th century
11.Soul (Buddhism)
12.Goal of Aristotle's philosophy was to separate humanity from the _____
13.These men used logic to accomplish whatever goals they set
18.World maintained by struggle between good and evil
19.A philosophy maintaining that the practical outcome of an action is the primary concern
21.Creation is an emanation from God
24.Giving into fear at all times
25.In favor of empirical study
26.Only person worthy to lead a state according to Socrates
27.The state in which Socrates lived
30.Plato viewed the world as a _____ on one's spiritual journey
31.Killed by drinking Hemlock
34.Overcom and discipline the desire for pleasure
36.God is the sum total of all things that exist
38.Action under some influence
39.The _____ of Oppositions
41.This method of education holds that the teacher KNOWS and the student DOES NOT
1.This method of education holds that the teacher's job is draw knowledge out of the student
2.Transmigration of Souls
4.Tries to get Socrates to escape from prison
5.Ethics + God
6.Proposed that everything is made from water
8.A->B, B->C; A->C
10.Doing the good one ought to do in accordance with reason
14.World maintained by many gods working in concert or competition
15.Remembering the soul's previous life in the upper world
16.Most famous student of Socrates
17.The teacher who walks while he talks
20.Duty (Buddhism)
22.A philosophy maintaining that the only things that exist are those that can be understood from sense experience
23.I am the AGENT of my own action
28.Aristotle's great work, _____ Ethics
29.Overcomes the dominating influence of Fear
32.There's a lot of _____ when determining responsibility for an action
33.Perfect source of all things
35.Socrates codemned for Corruption of _____
37.Aristotle's God is Pure _____

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