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current events and politics - Jan 25th, 2006

DJ Entropy

1 2 3 4     5     6     7    
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  50         51          
53           54  

4.supreme court of the united states (abbr)
6.jewish nation
8.wrote slander (full name)
10.produced "the passion of the christ" (last name)
14.name of the appeals court that covers CA
15.brown vs board of education happened here
16.capital of Iraq
19.limits government
21.ronnie's first wife (full name)
23.87% of americans believe in this
24.40% of all christians in the us are this
26.ceo of this company made an anti-bush speech at a college graduation in 2005
28.current chief justice of the supreme court (full name)
32.wrote "give me a break" (last name)
33.where the us almost captured osama bin laden
37.senator that killed mary jo (last name)
39.us president from 81-89 (last name)
40.current president (last name)
41."war on ______"
43.current vice-president (last name)
45.was ousted as governor of CA (full name)
46.cheney said this in congress
48.general that ran as a democrat in 2004 (last name)
50.jeb bush governs this state
52.forer FEMA director that stepped down after Katrina (last name)
53.former presidential speech writer that served under Reagan (last name)
55.president of the united states (abbr)
56.reporter who broke the lewinsky scandal (last name)
1."fair and balanced"
2.senator from NY rumored to be the democratic hopeful in 2008 (last name)
3."live free or die" is this state's motto
5.former terrorist government of afghanistan
7.action movie star turned governor of CA (first name)
9.recent film embraced by christians in america
11.former leader of Iraq (first name)
12.mayor ray nagin said new orleans would become this
13.led the republican revolution in 94 (full name)
16.was behind the 9/11 attacks (last name)
17.john kerry's running mate in 2004 (last name)
18.was responsible for the nuclear football under clinton (last name)
20.he claims to have invented the internet (full name)
22.wrote "wealth of nations" (full name)
25.wrote "south park conservatives" (last name)
27.kim jong il is the leader of this communist nation
28.He died for our sins (first name)
29.proponent of big government and moral relativism
30.NH has the first every four years; presidential
31.co-hosts a show with Alan Colmes (last name)
34.nominated to replace justice o'connor (last name)
35.dubya's wife (first name)
36.getting 51 senate votes to override a filibuster
38.category 1-5
42.attempted to assassinate reagan (last name)
44.jane roe's real name (first name)
47.state that kerry lost in 2004, costing him the election
48.communist country with 1/5 of the world's population
49.current secretary of state (last name)
51.extremist liberal female senator from CA (first name)
52.bill that requires a 10-day waiting period to buy a gun
54.united states of america (abbr)

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