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The 44th President

Barack H. Obama

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  16     17              
21       22           23
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4.Total number of African-American students at Obama's school in Hawaii.
5.State where Obama was born.
8.Obama defeated Hilary ______ for the Democratic party's presidential nomination.
9.City where Obama's parents met.
10.Obama's sister's first name.
11.University from which Obama earned his law degree in 1991.
15.Chicago neighborhood Obama resided in when he was elected to the Illinois State Senate.
16.Obama was the first African-American to become editor of the Harvard ______ ______.
18.Number of times Obama saw his biological father after his parents divorced.
19.Obama's mother died of ______ ______.
22.Obama lived in the Chicago suburb of ______ with his family before being elected as the 44th President.
24.The first college Obama attended was ______ College in Los Angeles.
28.Obama's childhood nickname.
30.Drug Obama has admitted to using during his teen years.
31.Month of Obama's birth.
32.Obama belonged to the ______ Church of Christ in Chicago.
1.Dictator Obama once referred to as a "bad guy."
2.Obama's daughters are named ______ and Sasha.
3.Obama's mother's last name.
4.In November 2004, Obama become only the ______ African-American elected to the U.S. Senate since Reconstruction.
6.Obama's wife's first name.
7.Dreams From My ______: A Story of Race and Inheritance.
12.The ______ of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream.
13.Obama was ______ years of age when his parents separated.
14.Obama is a member of the _______ party.
17.In 2000, Obama was defeated by Bobby ______ in a run for the U.S. House of Representatives.
20.Age at which Obama returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents.
21.Obama's major at Columbia was ______ Science.
22.Obama's father was from the Nyanza Province in ______.
23."I'm not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to ______ wars."
25.University from which Obama graduated.
26.University where Obama's father pursued his Ph.D.
27.Obama's mother was born in the state of ______.
29.Indonesian city where Obama's mother, stepfather and half-sister lived.

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