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AC Electric Motors

1 2
3               4    
5 6 7                    
      9 10          
14     15       16     17 18  
19   20   21          
3.Relationship between input and output power
7.Speed of stator rotating magnetic field
10.Name of losses in winding due to electrical resistance
11.Process of producing a voltage in an electrically seperate winding
12.This is considered to issue from ends of a magnet
13.Rotor windings are connected to these
14.Name of losses due to drah of bearings
17.Speed of rotation is measured in this
19.Formula used to calculate force on a conductor
21.Causes movement of conductor
22.Name given to the rotational part of the motor
23.Name of losses due to cooling fan and parts rotaing in air
1.Most common type of 3 pahse motor
2.Difference between rotor speed and stator rotating field
4.Type of switch used in single phase motor
5.This type of rotor is used to produce high starting torque
6.Name given to the stationary component which contains the windings
8.Make contact with the slip-rings
9.Rule which can be used to determine direction of magnetic flux
15.Brushes are made from this material
16.Force on the conductor is measured in this
18.Names given to the ends of a magnet
20.Name of magnetic losses in motor

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