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1 2     3    
5 6 7              
8 9   10     11       12    
14     15                       16
20       21                        
23         24           25  
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30     31   32              
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38                       39   40              
41               42      
  44 45                                
46                 47        
49   50                      
51 52                   53

2.You are stupidly dead if you receive this award
7."Ya'll are better than _____"
10.How to finish CD's
12.Ziegfeld (abb)
15.______, therefore because of (Latin)
17.It's cryin' all the time
18.A crappy mascot, but certainly a bothersome Georgian pest
20.Catch a CAT
21.She creates quite a stir in the south
22.A bear from the north who may find himself in the south
23.I am, I am, I am
26.No offense
27.If you are one after college, you have no brain
28.Corn-fed sports?
30.What happens when you mess up
32."Ya'll are better than _____"
35.Of many, one
38.Strange word (you've used) to describe feelings of euphoric excitement
40.Oscar, Rolf, Beaker, etc
41.Stick a fork in me
43.The best cure for a fever
45.He killed Inigo's father
46.The best (and most inexpensive) puppets
47.Found (opp)
50.You like her despite this fraction
51."Look Out!" exclaimation at a sporting event
54.Unmanned vaccuum cleaner
55.Suffering from echolalia?
56.Goes great with popcorn
1.Vann's 6th name, also a state capitol
2.Sometimes they light up when you step on them
3.Barfee and Rogers are both these
4.An officer or lieutenant in the Ottoman empire
5.The other fill in the block game
6.Not exactly water; ain't exactly earth
8.You will not find cut-off ear on your pizza
9.You can sit on it, but if you take a sample people will cringe
11.Too long to be shorts, too short to be pants
13.Like one, touched for the first time
14.Criminals were free to "rome" here
16.The best cat
19.Shaken, not stirred
20.Makes all food Southern food
24.Digital metropolis
25.If you were thirsty, I would go here to quench your thirst
29.Her house had no kitchen (joke)
31.Be careful or it'll get poked out
33.Not the principal
34.Calls himself "blasian"
36.Find out what it means to me
37.Opposite of digital
38.Don't mess with it
39.I don't even know her
42.Gringlegoff's brother
44.A fish without an eye
48.You can write your name and it's never dull
49.Nude man that's quite a prize
52.Psychic network?
53.Back wall of the Savannah Theatre, affectionately called "the ____ hallway"

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