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8th EOG Math Vocabulary Goal 1

v jacobs

1             2                    
5 6   7  
  8                       9                    
11                             12              
  13                       14                    
15                     16                
  19     20 21
25       26          
27       28                                
31                 32                              

1.3.141592... is an example
4.bottom number of a fraction
8.sign placed before another to denote a root is to be extracted
9.approximation of a quantity
11.distance of a number from zero on a number line
12.end result of division
13.name of math symbol >
14.line with equal distance marked off to represent numbers
15.number written as a product of primes
17.comparison between different things
18.includes positives, zero, and negatives
22.end result of subtraction
23.top number of a fraction
26.end result of addition
27.combination of more than one inequality
30.depends on place or position of a digit
31.we____to make numbers easier to work with
32.numbers in a/b form
33.one of two equal factors of a number, 16 = 4 or -4
34.name of math symbol =
2.decimal that never ends
3.integers, whole, and rational are ____of real numbers
5.number raised to the second power
6.short-hand for writing very large or very small numbers
7.ratio of circumference to length of the diameter
10.3, 2, 1, ...order from highest to lowest
16.examples are 0.757575..., 0.333...
19.examples are 25, 49. 144
20.end result of multiplication
21.name of math symbol <
24.includes rational and irrational number
25.1, 2, 3, 4,...a, b, c, d,....from lowest to highest
28.whole number not divisible by two
29.whole number divisible by two

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