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Math is FUN!

Miriam Shumilova

2 3                    
5               6              
9   10                             11
  13   14   15      
17     18      
19                       20    

3.a number which multiplied by itself, gives you the original number
5.A number between zero and 1 and is expressed as one number over another number
6.a letter or symbol representing a quantity
10.The distance from zero to a number is
12.A process in which you break a number into numbers that can be multiplied together to get the original number.
16.A continuing list of numbers that are one right after another
19.A mathematical phrase that contains no equal sign
22.Counting numbers such as 1. 2. 3. 4
23.The _____ of 2 numbers is the first number divided by the second number
1.Two angles are said to be __________ if their sum is ninety degrees
2.The opposite sides of a square are...
3.A collection of related things
4.The chance of something happening in the future
7.A positive whole number
8.A number below zero
9.The square root sign
11.A _____ of a figure is a corner.
13.Another way of saying multiplicative inverse
14.Two lines or planes are ___________ to each other if the angle between them is 90 degrees
15.The number multiplied times a product of variables or powers of variables in a term
17.____ is an additive identity
18.An equation that uses symbols for less than and greater than
20.A number with a decimal point in it that is a little more or less than the consecutive whole number
21.A rectangular or square array of numbers. Matrices can be written using brackets or parentheses

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