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Geometry - Ch 1-3 Voc


1 2 3
4                         5     6 7  
11 12                                        
13 14     15               16                        
  17         18                          
                20 21
22                       23               24    
27 28            
    29   30                          
    32                                 33  
35                     36   37 38    
              39                       40
48                 49                

4.cuts an angle in half (2 words)
5.is a part of a line that consist of an endpoint and all the points of the line on one side of the endpoint
8._________ angles are two angles whose sum is 180 degrees
11.lines that intertersect forming right angles (2 words)
15.a line segment, line or ray that is perpendicular to a segment at its midpoint (2 words)
18.planes that never intersect (2 words)
19.an ________ angle measures more than 90 and less than 180 degrees
22.a line that intersects two or more lines
23.a line that connects two vertices of a polygon
26.segments that have the same measure (2 words)
30.shows that the conjecture is wrong
32.points that lie on the same line (2 words)
35.an if-then statement, if p then q
39.lines on the same plane that never intersect (2 words)
42.angles that have the same measure
43.a flat surface that has no thickness
45.a conclusion based on inductive reasoning
46.a closed plane figure with atleast three sides
47.a polygon with all angles congruent
49._______ angle of a polygon is an angle created by the side of a polygon and the extension of an adjacent side
1.the process of reasoning logically from given statements to a conclusion (2 words) (2 words)
2.the part of a conditional statement that follows the "if"
3.an eight sided polygon
6.________ angles are two angles whose sum is 90 degrees
7.A ______ angle is an angle whose measure is 180 degrees
9.a conjecture that is proven
10._______ _______ are angle pairs that are inside two lines alternating the transversal (2 words)
12.a polygon with all sides congruent
13.a part of a line consisting of two endpoints
14.the part of a conditional that follows the "then"
16.consist of a x and y (2 words)
17.a six sided polygon
20.________ angles are angle pairs that are on the same side of the transversal and in the same position on the lines
21.a _______ triangle has no sides congruent
24._______ triangle is a triangle with at least two sides congruent
25.when you switch the hypothesis and conclusion
27._______ angles are two nonadjacent angles formed by intersecting lines
28.two lines not on the same plane that never intersect (2 words)
29.when a conditional and its converse are true, it can be combined with iff
31.a _______ polygon has all sides and angle congruent
33.lies on the same plane
34._______ angles are two angles with a common side and vertex
36.if a=b and b=c, then a=c
37.a five sided polygon
38.whether a conditinal statement is true or false (2 words)
40.if a=b, then b=a
41.an _______ angle measures less than 90 degrees
44.A _____ angle that is 90 degrees

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