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Geometric Definitions

Brandt Sanderson

1             2       3   4
6                   7 8   9              
  10 11 12 13                    
14                   15 16            
17       18           19                            
20                       21 22              
  23                     24   25         26
27             28
  32 33     34              
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39                 40            
41                             42                
      43                                   44
                45           46
51                 52                      

1.a 6-sided polygon
2.a quadrilateral with four right angles and four congruent sides
6.an equation stating that two ratios are equal
9.the point that divides the segment into two congruent segments
12.a triangle with at least two congruent sides
14.a segment from the vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side
15.a triangle with no sides congruent
17.a rectangular solid with square faces
18.a figure formed by two rays that have the same endpoint
19.two angles whose sides form two pairs of opposite rays (2 wds)
20.an angle formed by two radii drawn to consecutive vertices (2 wds)
22.points all in one plane
23.a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel
25.a triangle with three acute angles
29.an angle with measure of 90 degrees (2 wds)
30.a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides
31.a circle drawn around a polygon so that each vertex of the polygon lies on the circle
34.a segment joining two non-consecutive vertices of a polygon
35.a line that contains a chord
40.a plane figure formed by coplanar segments such that (1) each segment intersects exactly two other segments; and (2) no two segments with a common endpoint are collinear
41.a triangle with one obtuse angle (2 wds)
42.coplanar lines that do not intersect
43.two lines that intersect to form right angles (2 wds)
45.a quadrilateral with four congruent sides
47.a statement that is accepted without proof
48.a triangle with all sides congruent
49.a triangle with one right angle (2 wds)
51.any perpendicular segment connecting a vertex to an opposite side
52.an arc of a circle cut off by the diameter
53.an angle with measure between 90 and 180 degrees (2 wds)
54.in a right triangle a side adjacent to the right angle
1.in a right triangle the side opposite the right angle
3.the distance from the center of a circle to any of its points
4.the figure formed by three segments joining noncollinear points
5.a chord that contains the center of a circle
7.a statement that can be proved
8.lines that are not coplanar
10.a line, segment or ray that intersects a segment or angle and forms two congruent segments or angles
11.points all in one line
13.two angles whose measures have the sum 180 degrees
16.two triangles with sides of equal length and angles of equal measure (2 wds)
21.a segment whose endpoints lie on a circle
24.two angles in a plane that have a common vertex and a common side but no common interior points (2 wds)
26.a 5-sided polygon
27.a 4-sided polygon
28.a quadrilateral with four right angles
32.a line that intersects two or more coplanar lines in different points
33.segments that have equal length (2 wds)
36.the angle formed when one side of a polygon is extended (2 wds)
37.a line in the plane that intersects a circle in exactly one point
38.an angle with measure of 180 degrees (2 wds)
39.two angles whose measures have the sum of 90 degrees
44.two triangles with congruent angles and corresponding sides in proportion
45.a polygon that is both equiangular and equilateral
46.two points on a line and all the points between them
50.the set of all points in space that are a given distance from a given point

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