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Algebraic Vocabulary


2 3  
5               6              
    7 8 9            
  10 11       12
13                     14  
      16               17    
19                         20   21
22     23   24            
26               27         28          
29   30            
31         32       33          
36                 37       38                
41     42           43                

5.A type of transformation where an image is turned
6.The answer to a division problem
9.A positive or negative whole number including zero
13.A mathematical sentence that contains an = sign
16.Power or degree
17.Any number that is not divisible by 2
19.A type of transformation where an image is slid
24.The answer to a multiplication problem
25.The value that represents a number's distance from zero
26.A line
27.The number that corresponds to a point on a number line
31.A comparison of two numbers by division
33.The middle number in a set of data
34.The number in front of a variable
36.Any number to the left of zero on a number line
37.The range of a box plot defined by the middle 50% of the data
39.Two figures that are the same size and shape
41.25% of a box plot
43.All of the values for x in an expression
45.Any number that is divisible by 2
46.Two figures that are the same shape but not the same size
47.A number that has just two factors - 1 and itself
1.A type of graph that shows change over time
2.Two (or more) lines on a graph that do not intersect
3.Rise over run
4.Any number to the right of zero on a number line
7.A letter or expression used to represent a number
8.To determine the answer to an expression
10.The answer to an addition problem
11.The answer to a subtraction problem
12.The side opposite the right angle in a triangle
14.Two equal ratios
18.Property defined by a + b = b + a
20.Number of favorable outcomes divided by number of possible outcomes
21.An array of elements in rows and columns
22.The point on a graph at which the x-axis and y-axis intersect
23.Two lines on a graph that intersect to form a right angle
28.An open sentence that contains > or <
29.The product of the base and the height of any figure
30.A type of transformation where an image is flipped
32.The distance around a figure
35.Per 100
38.Any number that can be expressed as a fraction
40.The product of the area of the base and the height of any figure
42.The difference between the upper and lower extremes
44.A type of graph that compares quantity

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