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Poe's Crossword

Ricardo Lopez

Complete the crossword. You have to answer the questions and the answer that you get is the one you are going to use to put in the puzzle.

1           2 3
  4 5  
7             8        
10         11     12  
14       15
17       18        
        20           21
23                         24        

1.What was the name of Poe's sister?
6.Where was Poe born?
7.In what story did a man take out the eye of the cat?
9.Who adopted Edgar Allan Poe?
10.In what month was Poe born?
13.Where did Poe die?
16.What was the name of Poe's brother?
17.What was the name of the poem that describes Poe?
19.Poe wrote during what period?
20.In what month did Poe die?
23.What disease did Poe's mother and wife die of?
24.What poem was Poe famous for?
2.In what foreign country did Poe study?
3.In the poem, The Raven, who was Poe trying to forget?
4.In the Cask of Amontillado what was the name of the character who dies?
5.Where was Poe found days before his death?
8.In what story did the narrator bury the body under the floor?
11.What was the name of the man that took over Poe's estate after his death and wrote lies about him?
12.What was the name of Poe's wife?
14.In what condition was Poe found 4 days before his death?
15.What was Poe's father's name?
18.What was Poe's mother's name?
21.What poem made Poe famous?
22.In the story the Black Cat where did the narrator bury the dead body?

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