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Scrapbooking 123


Puzzle on Scrapbooking

1             2
3                   4            
  5   6       7  
9 10                        
12       13    
15 16   17      
  18         19                  
    22                 23

1.Every scrapbooker must have one of these
3.The name of a scrapbook company
5.This can give your pictures a 3D Effect
8.This helps make precision cuts
10.This CM product helps to organize your pages
11.Your journal with one of these
12.These help frame your photos
14.What we call it when we get together to scrapbook
18.Keeps fingerprints at bay
21.A metal object used to enhance a page
22.Your paper should always be this
24.This can make a page look special
25.You can never have too many of these
26.A machine for making diecuts
27.Being this makes it more enjoyable to scrapbook
2.Something you can do with paper and photos
4.Something you use to enhance an album
6.You can't scrapbook without these
7.You use this to trip photos and paper
9.This makes things stick to your page
13.Another way of making things adhere to the page
15.These come in many colors and textures
16.This is heavier then regular paper
17.A way to write down your memories
19.You make shapes with these
20.These help to place small embellishments
23.You put your pages in this

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