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Photography I Quiz

Mrs. Sperry

Using your photography vocabulary, find the solutions to the following crossword clues.

1 2
4                       5
6 7             8    
11                 12
15             16    
19                 20        
  21         22

3.amount of time photos stay in Stop Bath
4.candles, sun, electric lights
6.print made from direct printing method
9.print made by placing negative face down on photo paper
10.light tight box used to protect photo paper
11.acid based solution used to stop developing, 2nd tray in darkroom
13.chemicals for developing film
15.developer used in darkroom
17.light sensitive coated paper used in photographic processes
18.hot tool used to initially tack adhesive to photo
19.coating on photo paper, shiny or matte
20.number of minutes photos stay in Fixer
21.to trim a photograph to make it more visually pleasing
23.optical instrument used as a light source when enlarging photographs
24.difference in darkness or density between one tone and another
25.room equipped with red safe lights but no white light
1.means light writing
2.glass plates placed under enlarger, holds photo paper
5.solution used to make photographs permanent, 3rd tray in darkroom
7.letting light fall on light sensitive paper
8.number of minutes photos stay in Developer
12.process of attaching photo to mat board using press
14.rigid board to which photos are attached for display
16.red or amber light used in darkroom
17.direct printing process
22.used to clean residue from prints, 4th tray in darkroom

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