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Basic Photography

Todd Adams

Terminology of Basic Black/White Photography vocabulary

1 2 3 4
6       7      
9   10   11                                  
13                         14    
  17 18         19             20     21  
    22           23     24  
25                         26     27
          28 29          
31   32                
  35                 36         37
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      41                   42          
43                           44       45     46
    48       49       50 51           52    
    54       55              
56           57            

5.contained in stop bath
7.stands for Cost of Goods Sold
8.element of art that has a distinct form
10.beyond the limits of film
13.contained in color developing chemicals; C-41 process
15.an 8x10 which reflects all the negatives images
18.percent of people driving to work each day who dislike their job
23.organization responsible to establish standards for certain industries like photography
24.imprinted on film canister which when read by camera sets the ISO automatically
25.tool to focus image onto print easle
30.device that sandwiches the negative inside the enlarger
33.color of fixer tongs
34.when developing or printing, one should be deliberate and doing things in ___________ order
35.the natural light at the subject's environment
38.second principle of change
41.device on camera that lets a prescribed amount of light through the lens
42.the color stop bath changes to when exhausted
43.image which is not balanced within itself
44.one of the five dominant elements: could be color tones or subject matter
48.distracts when spilled onto the subject
51.same name as aperture
52.filters used during Black/white printing to increase contrast
53.curved side of film; glossy; side remains up
54.international standards organization which controls film speed
55.one of the elements of art that seems
56.chemical to make B/W developer solution
57.to reduce light from a specific area
1.to cut-out a portion of the image while printing
2.the chemical to determine if the fixer is exhausted
3.when sensitived to light and after developed forms a reversed image
4.chemical that stops the developing process
6.color of stop bath tongs
9.light metering process at the subject pointing towards camera
11.second reason why businesses fail
12.element of art leading the viewers eye to certain places within the image
14.first principle of change
16.an attribute required to be successful as a pro photographer
17.an attribute that everyone should aspire to act in life towards others
19.400 ISO film; used for low light shooting environments
20.side of film towards the lens or print paper
20.side towards print paper; do not scratch; contains image
21.avoid this pose when shooting portraits
22.can be set on the camera for basically unlimited shutter time results
22.setting on shutter which can be set at any time length
26.filter to protect lens from getting scratched
27.is a method to shoot photography with more appealing results
28.light metering process through the camera
29.invisible image after exposure before developing
31.tool that focus the image on the print easle
32.95% businesses fail in the first 5-years because of poor ________
36.shaft with flange portion down inside developing tank
37.chemical that is never tossed down the drain due to heavy silver contents
37.removes unexposed silver halide crystals
39.image which is balanced within itself
40.used to determine proper print exposure
45.if the film was placed in the negative carried with base towards print paper
46.100 or 400 ISO film; good contrast tones; solid
47.color of developer tongs
49.glossy side of film
50.chemical to make B/W film developer

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