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Chapter 3 Crossword Puzzle

U.S. History/1

Recontruction and the New South

1 2 3 4
    11 12                          
21   22                      

5.fixed taxes imposed on every voter
6.seperation of the races
7.another name for scoundrel
8.nickname, given by southerners, to northern Republicans eager to participate in state conventions
10.rebuilding the former Confederates states and reuniting the nation
12.secret terrorist groups formed by angry white southerners to prevent African Americans from voting
14.Amendment that required states to extend equal citizenship to African Americans and all people "born or naturalized in the United States." It also denied states the right to deprive anyone of "life, liberty, or property without due process of law." It also promised all citizens the "equal protection of the laws."
15.legislation designed to stop violence against African Americans
17.amendment that abolished slavery
18.court ruling that said, "seperate but equal" facilities did not violate the 14th Amendment
19.laws that enforced segregation
20.bureau created by Congress to aid the millions of southerners left homeless and hungry by the war. This bureau played a major role in providing education for African Americans, who had been denied this opportunity under slavery
21.system where farmers worked a parcel of land in return for a share of the crop, a cabin, seed, tools, and a mule
23.Acts that divided the former Confederacy - with the exception of already-reconstructed Tennessee - into five military districts. Union army troops were stationed in each district to enforce order.
24.severe economic depression that hit in 1873
1.codes that closely resembeled pre-Civil War slave codes
2.tests that barred those who could not read from voting
3.bill that prohibited businesses that serve the public - such as hotels and transportation facilities -from discriminating agains African Americans
4.The first civil rights law in the nation's history. This law declared that everyone born in the U.S. was a citizen with full civil rights. This law did not guarantee voting rights.
9.a system where farmers promised to sell their crops to local merchants who sold them goods on credit
11.Amendment that stated, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
13.name for supporters of white-controlled governments
16.In return for the Democrats' acceptance of Hayes as president, the Republicans agreed to withdraw the remaining federal troops form the South
22.full pardon to all southerners-except high-ranking Confederate leaders and a few others- who would swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution and accept federal laws ending slavery

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