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Molecular Compounds


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2.The Chemical Formula of a molecular compound
9.A Covalent bond in whichone atom contributes both bonding electrons
11.Occur when polar molecules are attracted to one another
12.Represents the covalent bonds by dashes and shows the arrangement of covalently bonded atoms
15.A neutral Group of atoms joined together by covalent bonds
16.Two atoms held together by sharing a pair of electrons are joined by a
19.A Bond formed by sharing three pairs of electrons
20.A compound that contains one or more hydrogen atoms and produces hydrogen ions when dissolved in water
22.when the bonding electrons are most likely to be found in sausage-shaped regions above and below the bond axis of the bonded atoms
23.Covalent bond between atoms in which the electrons are shared unequally
24.A molecular orbital that can be occupied by two electrons of a covalent bond
25.The atoms held together by sharing electrons are joined by a
26.The weakest of all molecular interactions, which are caused by the motion of electrons
28.A Pair of valence electrons that is not shared between atoms
29.One end of the molecule is slightly negative and the other end is slightly positive
1.when several atomic orbitals mix to form the same total number of equivalent hybrid orbitals
3.A structure that occurs when it is possible to draw two or more valid electron dot structures that have the same number of electron pairs for a molecule or ion
4.The energy required to break the bond between two covalently bonded atoms
5.A bond that involves two shared pairs of electrons
6.The two weakest attractions between molecules
7.an arrangement where all of the H-C-H angles are 109.5 degrees
8.When the atoms in the bond pull equally, the bonding electrons are shared equally
10.A molecule that has two poles
13.A tightly bound group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge and behaves as a unit
14.A compound composed of molecules
15.Orbitals that apply to the entire molecule
17.Solids in which all of the atoms are covalently bonded to each other
18.A Molecule Consisting of Two atoms
21.Attractive Forces in which a hydrogen covalently bonded to a very electronegative atom is also weakly bonded to an unshared electronpair of another electronegative atom
27.An ionic compound that produces hydroxide ions when dissolved in water

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