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School Technology and Internet Use Policy

Mr. Lumpkin

Georgia Performance Standard BCS-CA1-1A - Practice respectful and responsible use of technology through abiding by the school technology and Internet use policy.

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1.Students may NOT access _________________ on-line information, including the utilization of any improper medium, for example (but not limited to) adult material.
6.At no time should a student be found at a _________ prompt (C;/ or any other drive letter), unless authorized and supervised by a faculty member.
7.Students may not attempt to break ________________ on individual units or networks.
8.Unacceptable use includes utilizing any network resource in an ______________ manner or that violates any State or Federal laws, rules, or regulations.
10.Unacceptable use includes utilizing any network resources to obtain any software and/or material against _________________ law.
13.Students will remain in the _____________ provided.
15.Unacceptable use includes accessing, posting, or communicating materials or messages that are harassing, abusive, threatening, obscene, vulgar, or inappropriate in _________________.
16.Students may NOT send __________________ on the network.
18.Unacceptable use includes using any network resource when ______________ have been terminated.
21.Unacceptable use includes utilizing any network resources for _______________ lobbying.
22.Access to the electronic communication network, as well as the hardware and software that support access, are the property of the _______________ ________________.
26.Examples of vandalizing equipment or systems offenses include, but not limited to, rearranging keys on the keyboard, removing keys on the keyboard, removing mouse balls, ________________ computer cables, marking on computer equipment, and cutting computer cables.
27.Unacceptable use includes using any network resource in such a way that does not comply with the __________________ objectives of the Paulding County School System.
30.Any authorized use of the electronic communication network or any failure to comply with the local and system-wide provisions relating to the use of the electronic communication network by a student will be grounds for loss of electronic communication network access and/or other ___________________ and/or legal action.
31.Students may NOT copy any programs, utilities, or ______________ to any computer on campus.
33.Student access to the electronic communication network shall be under the ________________ of a teacher or other appropriate staff member.
34.Unacceptable use includes attempting to disrupt ________________, or break into any computer system resource maintained by the Paulding County School System.
35.The consequence for the ____________ offense of breaking the school's computer technology policy is suspension in school or out of school up to five days.
36.Unacceptable use includes engaging in any activity while using a network resource that could result in a ________________ charge to the Paulding County School District.
1.Students are only authorized to use their own _______ or one assigned by a faculty member.
2.Students should never share ID's or ________________ with anyone else.
3.Students will NOT distribute any ______________ on, or cause to infect, any unit or system or down the server.
4.A ____________________ is responsible for damage done using his/her ID.
5.The electronic communication network should be used in a responsible, _______________, and lawful manner.
6.Unacceptable use includes attempting to use any software that would cause ________________ or disruption to any network resource maintained by the Paulding County School District.
9.Students will NOT remove any technology equipment, _________________, or software from the campus.
10.Unacceptable use includes utilizing any network resource for personal or ___________________ gain.
11.Unacceptable use includes supplying _______________ information such as home address, phone number, and full name while accessing the Internet.
12.Unacceptable use of the ECN includes attempting to gain unauthorized access to a computer resource by using another user's name and/or _______________.
14.The consequence for the second offense of breaking the school's computer technology policy is suspension from school for __________ days.
17.Students will NOT vandalize ________________ or systems.
19.Examples of vandalizing software offenses include deleting files, zipping files, hiding or moving files, renaming files, changing files, and deleting ___________.
20.Use of the Paulding County electronic communication network is a privilege that may be __________________ at any time.
23.Unacceptable use includes accessing, posting, or communicating materials or messages that are slanderous harmful to the _________________ of another.
24.If the amount of damage to school technology is in excess of $75.00, violation of this policy may be a Level 1 _______________.
25.Students will NOT ________________ software.
27.The consequence for the third offense of breaking the school's computer technology policy is ________________ from school for the semester.
28.Unacceptable use includes sending anonymous messages or misrepresenting one's __________________ through the data network.
29.The consequence for the fourth offense of breaking the school's computer technology policy is expulsion from school for the ___________.
32.Students will NOT make changes to teacher grade disks or ___________ records using electronic means.

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