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N. Warren-Swan

To give students the understanding of the various types of entrepreneurs and the positives and negatives of business ownership.

1 2 3
4                       5
6         7           8 9                
10                           11  
  13 14                                  
      16 17                      
      19                         20  
  24 25   26        
27                   28                    
  29             30              
      33     34                    

4.A favourable condition; a good chance.
6.Work beyond the usual hours of employment.
9.Shows type of legal ownership.
10.The creation of something valuable, sense of gain.
13.One may not have enough money to run the business.
16.An independently owned and operated business.
19.A person who recognizes an opportunity; assumes risk.
23.Risk of losing money, and investment by others.
27.Explains type of company and gives history.
29.A book of accounting used for recording trade transactions.
30.A place where money is held on clients behalf.
31.One who can correct their own errors and improve.
32.To put on hold until all conditions are met.
33.Specifies the financial needs; sources of income.
35.Running into unexpected problems.
1.Describes product and service, points out features.
2.A plan for using your money to best meet needs and wants.
3.Prefer to use one's talents to make a successful business
5.Completely responsible for success or failure.
7.Identifies manufacturing/operating system, facilities etc.
8.Making money which goes to the business.
10.Shares in the ownership of the business.
11.A written description that describes all aspects/business.
12.To offer a price.
14.Money earned from one's salary or business.
15.Overview of the total business plan
17.Identify key people who will direct and manage.
18.The feeling of having built a successful business alone.
20.Shows who the potential customers are, competition.
21.Not having to follow orders set by someone else.
22.One who can work without supervision
24.Someone who earns a salary by working for someone.
25.Carrying out all duties required to meet goals.
26.An uncertaintly of gaining or losing money in investments.
28.An agreement between parties.
34.Anything of value, such as cash, equipment.

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