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The Business Law Vocabulary

Chazmin Warren

1       2
4       5                                              
  6         7                           8
10   11                                                
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          25 26                      
28                     29                 30      
        31       32               33 34
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42                             43                  
44                             45                
46                       47            

1.laws grouped into organized form
4.documented drafted by the 13 colonies to declare independence
6.order to a lower court to produce the record of a case for the supreme court to review
9.independent 3rd party who develops a binding and enforceable resolution to dispute
10.court that hears minor criminal cases
13.governmental sytem in which citizens vote directly to decide issues
14.administers wills and and estates
15.govenment system in which citizens elect representatives to decide issues
16.private organization of citizens hwo select and promote candidates for public office
19.title of a judge on the state supreme court or federal supreme court
21.personal human rights
23.city court
26.law based on the dictates of a central polictical authortiy
27.document that consist of seven articles that provide a workable framework for our federal government
28.court in which cases of small amounts are involved
31.power of a court to decide a case
35.for individuals over 13 and under 18
36.law based on current standards or custom of the people
37.first ten amendments to the u.s constitution
38.independent 3rd party who tries to develop a non-binding solution acceptable to both sides
41.legislation enacted by a town
42.a reasonable ground for belief
43.to place a dispute before a court for resolution
44.mental test to identify irrational
45.law that is intended to govern the use of computers in e-commerce and the internet
46.group of laws that defines and sets punishment for offenses against society
47.basic fairness
1.punishable offense against society
2.constitutional requirement for fundamental fairness in our court amd legal system
3.accurate detailed report of what went on in court
5.loose form of charter for common government
7.power to hear the case in full for the first time
8.deciding what is right and wrong in a reasoned impartial manner
10.reviews decisions of lower courts
11.doctrine that requires lower courts to follow existing case law in deciding similar cases
12.crime punishable by more than 1yr in prison
17.crime by up to 1yr in prison
18.law enacted by state or federal ledislatures
20.open peaceful violation of of a law
22.idea that the same ethical standards apply to everyone
24.change or alteration
25.doing what is right
29.groups of laws that defines rights and duties
30.first court to hear a dispute
32.freedom from external control
33.group of laws used to provide a remedy for wrongs against individuals
34.rules and regulations for the internal management of corporate affairs
39.a legal position that allows the defendant to escape criminal liability
40.jury's decision in a case
43.enforceable rules of conduct in a society

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