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2.Experimented with bacterial DNA and discovered the process of transformation.
3.Euakryotic chromosomes contain both DNA and protein, tightly packed together to form a substance called________.
7.Adenine and Guanine are found in this group.
8.The name for the shape and structure of DNA.
9.Thymine and Cytosine are found in this group.
10.Chromatins consist of DNA that is tightly coiled around these proteins.
1.A virus that infects and kills bacteria.
4.Disvovered that DNA is the nucleic acid that stores and transmits the genetic information of an organism to the next.
5.Adenine and Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine are these.
6.DNA is made up of units called____________.
6.Sugar, Phosphate and a base create this.

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