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Aircraft Designers

Design Group 2

Many people look at the aircraft and fail to see the hands and minds that built them. The aircraft designer at times can be the unsung hero. My great aircraft designs would have never happened without their technical skills and creative visions.

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3.Co-founded aircraft company with his wife Olive Ann
6.Designer of Zenith Aircraft Company's line of kit aircraft
8.Created innovations such as the flying platform, the Coleopter
10.DR-1 tri-plane
11.In 1920 in California he formed his own aircraft company in Santa Monica
12.Cirrus Design Corporation is an aircraft manufacturer that was founded in 1984
14.Created unusual homebuilt delta-wing aircraft in the 1960s
15.The Father of Human-Powered Flight
17.His company produced the world’s first operational jet fighter, sewing machines and motor scooters
19.First to fly an aircraft across the English Channel
22.Designed the Piper J-3 Cub
23.In 1925 founded with Walter Beech, the Travel Air Manufacturing Company in Wichita KS
24.Among his notable achievements were the production of the U.S. Navy’s first carrier based jet fighter
27.In 1916 he established an aircraft company called "Pacific Aero Products"
28.German inventor, designed and developed many of the German helicopters
30.Originally founded as the Taylor Brothers Aircraft Manufacturing Company
31.his American civil engineer is considered one of the early pioneers of flight
35.Originally Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Company
36.He developed the world’s first true rocket plane and the first operational jet plane
42.His first successful aircraft was the S-2
43.MB-1 twin engined bomber of 1918, B-10 bomber and China Clippers, Marauder bombers
44.Developed a special wingtip "winglet",
45.In 1928 an aircraft of his design, the Bremen, completed the first nonstop East-West transatlantic flight
46.Brothers Albert and Arthur with Charles "Pappy" Yankey build a small single-seater
47.He competed with the Wright Brothers to build the first manned airplane that could fly under its own power
1.Ercoupe aircraft was designed by
2.Invented the trubojet engine in 1930
4.Aeronautical engineer who invented the autogiro
5.On October 7, 1963, his vision of a high speed, high luxury, corporate jet became a reality
7.One of the Soviet Union’s foremost aircraft designers including the world’s first supersonic passenger plane
9.Pioneered a state-of-the-art foam-and-fiberglass composite construction method in homebuilts.
10.Aircraft included the FW-190 a fighter and attack aircraft
11.British designer more than fifty aircraft like the Mosquito
13.Most known for his work with gliders, influenced Wright Brothers airfoil design
16.During World War II he was in charge of all aircraft production in Italy
18.His light attack design resulted in the production of 2,960 Skyhawks
19.Established Compagnie Des Messageries Avienne, now named Air France
20.Original name was Marcel Bloch he changed his last name became a major part in the revival of the French aircraft industry
21.Invented the Bell helicopter
25.Designed and successfully demonstrated in 1940 the rocket powered ME 163 interceptor at speeds in excess of 600 MPH a world record
26.Designed and developed the Spitfire
29.Birth of Strategic Bombing in October 1915 with squadron-size raids by numerous ships
32.His passion was to build a flying wing
33.First to fly
34.American aircraft designer noted for his work on small amphibious aircraft
37.The father of the world famous Soviet ‘MIG’ series of combat aircraft
40.Project Manager of Lockheed’s Advanced Development Projects Division
41.Scaled Composites
46.He develops an exhaust gas-driven turbo-supercharger

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