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Sheep & Goat Production

Agricultural Science I

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3.the only technically not recognized breed of goat
5.soft coat of sheep
7.meat from milk-raised kid that weighs between 25-40 lbs
10.smallest of all domesticated breeds of goats, friendly and perfect for petting zoos
11.mature male sheep used for breeeding
13.first milk given by the mother that contains antibodies and nutrients
16.meat from a goat weighing only 16-40 lbs
17.small breed of all white sheep, short legs and erect ears, appears jumpy
18.grease found in the wool that is used in ointments and cosmetics
22.male goat at any age
23.sheep production in flocks of 1-1000 head of sheep
25.male or female at least 1 year of age but under 2 years old
28.raising animals completely indoors or small pens
29.medium sized meat breed of sheep that is all white
30.sheep giving birth
31.soft, flexible leather for cleaning and polishing vehicles
32.meat breed of sheep developed in England with white body and black face and legs
33.small meat breed with gray coloring on the face and legs
34.between the hoof and the dewclaw or fetlock
36.tip of the shoulders on sheep and goats
38.feeding a sweeter feed to younger animals to encourage gain
39.meat breed with lard square body, face and legs are brownish with a wool cap
41.breed of goat developed for meat and milk production in Mexico
43.meat from a goat weighing over 60 lbs
44.goats giving birth
45.angora goat hair used to make a wooly fabric
47.male goat or sheep that has been castrated
1.meat breed of sheep that is a cross of Columbias and Cheviots
2.several different breeds of gaot that produce milk
4.meat from sheep older than 1 year
6.young sheep less than 1 year of age
8.wool breed of sheep that was developed in France
9.popular meat goat that was developed in Africa
10.sells rams and ewes of an ideal types, valuable and shown
12.wool breed that produces high-quality, heavy fleece, orginated in Spain
14.young goat less than 1 year of age
15.removal or cutting off of part of the tail
19.production that involves 1000-1500 head of sheep
20.medium sized white-wool breed of sheep, with black nose and feet
21.mature female sheep
24.large wool breed of sheep, square body, long legs, all white
26.meat from sheep under 1 year old
27.located on teh top of sheep/goat head remainder of horns
33.smaller sized meduim meat breed of sheep, dark color on its face and lower legs with wool cap
35.large meat breed with black head and legs with no wool on head or legs
37.knee portion of the back leg
40.rump or tail setting on the animal
42.goats that produce mohair and originated in Turkey
43.goat milk that is made into cheese
46.mature female goat

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