Across |
1. | has ventro-ventral mating posture (face-to-face) |
6. | birth place |
7. | reproductive section of a tapeworm |
10. | dirt eating |
11. | social ranking within a group |
13. | a large group that splits apart for foraging and regroups later; bonobos and chimpanzees form this |
15. | any meat caught while hunting wild animals living in a moist tropical habitat |
18. | reduced reproductive success because breeding within a small population of closely related individuals may result in an increase of deleterious genes |
20. | a group of 5-9 chimpanzees that move along the borders of their territory, keeping unusually quiet and alert |
21. | explaining something with the fewest possible assumptions; the simplest explanation is the best |
23. | only truly carnivorous primate |
25. | closely related species are cognitively similar, so they should think about their experiences in similar ways |
27. | chemicals that plants use to defend themselves |
30. | mineral in dirt that provides relief of diarrhea |
31. | maintains endangered species, often in zoos, to ensure that their gene pools do not disappear |
32. | calculous concentration that can be found in the stomach or intestines of some animals; traditionally believed to be an antidote for poison |
36. | a group of mammals with forward-facing eyes, pentadactyly, enlarged brains, opposable thumbs and reduced reliance on their sense of smell |
37. | idea that human ancestors were violent, successful hunters, capable of killing large game |
39. | worms that form bumps on the surfaces of your intestine while they grow to maturity |
40. | having a relationship of joint interest and working toward a common goal |
45. | site where bones were found that fueled the debate over the killer ape theory |
47. | chimpanzee group from Jane Goodall's research site that annihilated another chimpanzee group |
48. | animals being aware that they are treating themselves with medicinal plants or soils |
49. | when an animal behaves in a certain way, you think, "What is that animal experiencing, based on its unique biology and experiences?" |
50. | the removal of an endangered species from one area where it is vulnerable and moved to another area within its historical range |
51. | chimpanzees eat the bitter pith from this plant when they are ill with intestinal worms |
52. | name of mountain chain where last 700 mountain gorillas survive in the wild |
53. | chimpanzee(s) that kills prey animal at end of hunt |