Down |
1. | N - a feeling of worry, comfort, support, or sympathy. "Please give my ___________ to your mother in her time of loss." |
2. | N - a person or animal's natural height and weight. "What is your father's __________ like compared to yours?" |
5. | V - to leave or move out. "I will _________ my apartment at the end of the month." |
8. | A - tedious, boring, repetitive. "Working in a factory line is a very ______________ job." |
10. | A - not frequent. "Please avoid walking around too much and make sure your breaks are ___________." |
12. | N - dead body of an animal or human. "I found a rotting raccoon __________ behind the garage last night." |
13. | V - to deprive of human qualities. "Some of the acts of torture at Guantanamo Bay may have been to ___________ prisoners." |
14. | V - to determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or illness. "My job as a doctor is to ___________ and treat illnesses." |
16. | N - the internal organs of an animal or person. "After I hit a deer, I saw its ___________ all over the highway." |
19. | A - not properly maintained or cared for. "My dad doesn't let me walk out of the house if I'm looking __________." |
22. | A - requiring sitting or little activity. "Sloths are very __________ animals." |
23. | A - easily understood or grasped by intuition. "I find it very _________ to use an iPod even if you don't read the directions." |
24. | N - a broad range of related objects or ideas. "There is a wide _______ of classes you can take in college." |
25. | V - to address continuously, relentlessly, persistently. "The media will ___________ Obama with questions at the press conference tomorrow." |
26. | V - to perceive, recognize, or detech using the sense or mind. "How do you ________ between your identical twin cousins?" |
27. | N - a feeling of ill will or hatred. "I harbor a lot of __________ towards my dad for what he did to my mom." |
29. | N - a flaw, mark, or imperfection. "I have a huge ______________ on my face that I can't get rid of!" |
30. | N - a delusion or false picture. "I thought I saw Li'l Wayne when I was at the store, but it was just an __________" |
31. | V - to shrink, vanish, or become gradually less over time. "My patience with my baby nephew is really starting to _________." |
32. | A - easy and able to read. "Your handwriting has become much more ______________ over the year!" |
33. | V - using pressure or force to make something happen. "I tried to __________ my mom into giving me money to go shopping." |
35. | V - to hang around or kill time. "You may not ___________ in front of the corner store." |