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Chapter 10 - Strategies for Independent Learning

Lindsay Agnello and Lindsey Moore

Dr. Conrad EDUC 314 - Special Needs

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1.definition, synonym, antonym, example, general
4.a common characteristic of students with disabilities
6.strategy to outline chapter for reading comprehension
7.identification of strengths and weaknesses, and skills required to know and communicate their needs
9.strategy that uses many body parts to improve listening
12.high interest reading free of complex vocabulary
15.accurate perceptions of strengths, needs, and abilities for independent learning
16.developing the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills needed to make responsible decisions and take actions dealing with their own learning
20.Rewarding Yourself
22.Questioning Yourself
23.Stop & List, this & Dare
24.smallest parts of word meaning
2.pointing out potential benefits clearly and specifically
3.after you give your reasons, do this to revise your essay
5.textbook reading strategy
6.Talking to Yourself
8.technological strategy for identifying misspelled words
10.Checking Yourself
11.writing strategy that involves self-questioning and peer-editing
13.verbal cues when students first attempt a skill
14.Use this strategy to carry your tens
17.the second pretest
18.strategy to increase or adjust reading speed
19.mathematical strategy used mostly with high school students
21.lecture note strategy

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