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Pastry Revision

Michael Wood

Revision of culinary terms

1         2       3
  4   5  
  6   7                  
11 12          
        13         14      
17       18          

1.For flans and fruit tarts
2.Thin greek style for baklava
7.The layers of butter in paste
8.The cooked surface
9.Time to relax the paste and gluten before use
13.Palm leaf shaped puff pastry items
15.Working in planned step by step organised way
16.Used to create shapes for bouchees
17.Ingredient used in choux paste
18.The method of cookery for pastry
1.Has shortened gluten strands
2.An light almond sponge used for filling
3.Is it the ----- too runny or too thick
4.How it feels in the mouth its-------
5.Pastry case with a lid
6.Streached really thin you could read through it
10.To put flour on the work surface to roll out the paste
11.Has to be dropping consistancy
12.A savoury short pastry shell with a filling set with egg
14.Sausage shaped choux pastry
19.A paste that requires turns

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