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Histology of the Skin


Definitions and terminology of the skin and it's disorders.

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6.fatty layer
10.dermis is made up of two layers
12.epidermal flakes, dry or greasy
13.skin is thickest on the
14.clear layer of the epidermis
20.damaging to the skin
23.fibers which are distributed to the sweat and oil glands of the skin
24.increased pigmentation of the skin, in spots that are not elevated
27.fibers which are distributed to the arrector pili muscles
28.technical term for callus
29.dry, scaly skin due to s deficiency or absence of sebum
33.elastin fibers weaken causing a loss of
34.nerve endings most abundant in the
35.technical term for excessive perspiration
37.children under six months should not be exposed to the sun
40.fibers which react to heat, cold and pressure
41.technical term for whiteheads
42.skin disease, red patches, white silver scales, found on scalp and elbows
43.technical term for freckles
44.horny layer of skin
1.inflamed pimple containing pus
2.skin contains two duct glands
3.sweat glands consists of a coiled base or
4.layer contains dark skin pigment
5.inflammatory, painful itching disease of the skin
7.absence of melanin or pigment
8.skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching
9.fatal skin cancer
11.technical term for birthmark
15.crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis
16.skin is thinnest on the
17.sebaceous cyst, subcutaneous tumor of the sebaceous gland
18.small brownish spot on the skin, pale, tan, brown or bluish black
19.abnormally developed sac, containing fluid
21.technical term for wart
22.small, discolored patch on the surface of the skin, freckle
25.recurring virus infection, called a fever blister
26.thick scar resulting from excessive growth
30.ninety to 95% of the sun's ultraviolet rays
31.branch of science that deals with the study of the skin and it's nature
32.light abnormal patches, caused by burn or congenital disease that destroys the pigment-producing cells
36.congestion of the cheeks and nose, redness
38.abnormal cell mass varying in size
39.underlying layer of skin

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