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Our Cultural Values

Our Cultural Heritage Project

Let's complete the puzzle with the given clues


2.What is the name of the palace in Istanbul, which was used as the administrative center of the state for 400 years in the 600-year history of the Ottoman Empire and where the Ottoman sultans lived?
8.It is located in New York City, USA. The statue holds a torch in its right hand and an oratory in its left hand.
9.It was an important ancient port city whose well-preserved ruins are in modern-day in İzmir, Turkey. The city was once considered the most important Greek city and the most important trading center in the Mediterranean region.
10.It is a Greek Ortodox monastery, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, located within the Pontic Mountains, in the Maçka district of Trabzon Province in Turkey. What is it?
11.This place was an ancient Greek city located on hot springs in classical Phyrgia in southwestern Anatolia. Its ruins are adjacent to modern Pamukkale in Turkey and currently comprise an archaeological museum. What is the name of this ancient city?
1.What is the name of the 8.5-metre tall statue by Ivan Meštrović in Split? It is a busy tourist site in the town, which the toe of the statue shows.
3.It is one of the most important historical buildings of Istanbul. It was built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I in the 6th century. What is this historical building?
4.Which is the tallest clock tower in Turkey with a length of 32 meters, the construction of which was completed in 1882?
5.There is a very famous rooster in our country, appearing many times as our tourist image.
6.What is the name of the Temple which is the only standing Greco-Roman colonnaded building in Armenia?
7.What is the name of one of the most gorgeous Monasteries in Armenia built in 9th-century?

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