Down |
2. | Altering the character of a melody by changes in dynamics, orchestration, or rhythm is a romantic technique known as _____ ________. (twowords) |
4. | Schubert's primary source of income came from his musical ________________. |
5. | The ____________ of a romantic art song is an integral part of the composer's conception, and it serves as an interpretive partner to the voice. |
7. | Romantic composers rejected the basic forms of the classical period and preferred to develop new forms of their own. (true or false) |
9. | Drawing creative inspiration from cultures of lands foreign to the composer is known as |
10. | The composer whose career was a model for many romantic composers was __________.(Last Name Only) |
12. | The composer who developed the symphonic poem was |
14. | Most of Chopin's pieces are exquisite _____________. |
15. | Today's movie scores may be regarded as examples of _______ music. |
16. | The center of romanticism and the artistic capital of europe during the 1830's was _______. |
17. | A _____ _______ is a set of romantic art songs that may be unified by a story line that runs through the poems, or by musical ideas linking the songs. |
20. | The piano's relentless rhythm in Erlkönig (The Erlking) unifies the episodes of the song and suggests the _______ horse. |
23. | A study piece, designed to help a performer master specific technical difficulties, is known as an ________. |
26. | _______ music is instrumental music associated with a story, poem, idea, or scene. |
27. | A very important musical part of every middle-class home during the romantic period was the ________. |
28. | The ___________ is a dance in triple meter that originated as a stately processional for the Polish nobility. |
31. | An ___ song is a musical composition for solo voice and piano. |
33. | Clara Schumann frequently performed the works of her husband and of her close friend ______. |
34. | To display his incomparable piano mastery, Liszt composed his Transcendental ______ and made piano transcriptions of Paganini's violin pieces. |
35. | An orchestra toward the end of the romantic period might include close to (#) ______ musicians. |