A Wife for IsaacKay PerezAbraham was very old and his son, Isaac had grown up. Abraham wanted to find a wife for Isaac. He asked his servant to find him a wife in the country his family lived in. The servant went to the city of Nahor. He stopped outside the city at a well. The servant prayed to the Lord and asked that the one who gave him and his camels a drink, was the one the Lord had chosen for Isaac. A woman named Rebekah came to the well. Rebekah gave the servant and his camels a drink. The servant knew Rebekah was the chosen one. The servant went to Rebekah's home and asked her father if it was alright for her to come with him. Rebekah went back with the servant to meet Isaac. They were married. Story found in Genesis 24.
Some of the puzzles that people list for the public get indexed by the search engines (like Google). Some people find those puzzles and cannot figure out how to make a puzzle of their own. So this page now has the navigation sidebar. There are now buttons on the puzzle so that you can get a clean page, in either HTML or PDF, that you can use your browser's print button to print. The PDF format allows the web site to know how large a printer page is, and the fonts are scaled to fill the page. The PDF takes awhile to generate. Don't panic! |